
Average score 83 Reviews
Laetitia FERNANDES noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Wow, what quality of cooking! It's been a long time since I've had caramel chicken this good. The spring rolls are huge. The pork news is also very good. And the bosses are really very nice and you can see that they have their hand on their heart. I recommend this restaurant for the quality of the meal and attractive prices. (Original) Ouah quelle qualité de cuisine! Il y avait bien longtemps que je n'avais pas mangé de poulet au caramel aussi bon. Les rouleau de printemps sont énormes. Les news au porc très bon également. Et les patrons sont vraiment très gentil et on voit qu'ils ont la main sur le cœur. Je recommande ce restaurant pour la qualité du repas et des prix attractifs.

9 months ago
Helysa Proces noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very good (Original) Très bon

9 months ago
loulounoah89 noted on Google

(Translated by Google) The sushi and Makis are very good and inexpensive! I recommend (Original) Les sushis et Makis sont très bons et pas onéreux ! Je recommande

9 months ago
Vincent Salles noted on Google

9 months ago
adeline Dourlen noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Dish too good (Original) Plat trop bon

9 months ago
Nadira Karmaly noted on Google

9 months ago
gerome vedrenne noted on Google

10 months ago
Doudou Poq noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Great service, excellent meal, the sushi is made in front of us, perfect hygiene, I have come several times and I am never disappointed. The prices are affordable. I highly recommend! (Original) Super service, repas excellent, les sushi sont fait devant nous, hygiène parfaite, plusieurs fois que je viens et je ne suis jamais déçu. Les tarifs sont abordables. Je recommande chaudement !

10 months ago
Tess L noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Succulent! Everything is homemade and it shows. Delicious bobun. Unbeatable value for money. (Original) Succulent ! Tout est fait maison et cela se sent. Bobun délicieux. Rapport qualité prix imbattable.

10 months ago
Kellyne Schneider noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very good Chinese restaurant with sushi at more than affordable prices and of very good quality. Very pleasant shopkeeper. I recommend (Original) Très bon restaurant chinois avec des sushi à prix + qu' accessible et de tres bonne qualite. Commerçante très agréable. Je recommande

10 months ago

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